Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dave Philley the Ultimate Phillie Passes Away

MARCH 17, 2012


Despite losing three seasons to military service, Dave Philley managed an 18 year career, playing for both the Philadelphia Athletics and the Phillies. He never hit for much power, but the switch hitter always seemed to find a job.
My thoughts go out to his family and friends. Entirely from the blog of DAVID PINTO BASEBALL MUSINGS Copyright David Pinto & Baseball Musings 2012 and attributions and credit to DAVID PINTO & BASEBALL MUSINGS.  

Now, my part:

Dave Philley - the Ultimate Phillie--Has Passed to 
Baseball Valhalla--He was a Philadelphia Athletic &
a Philadelhia Phillie named Dave Philley.

There will be cheeseteaks, Schmidt's Beer, old Connie Mack/Shibe Park, Gene Mauch, boo-birds, and 8th place waiting for you in baseball heaven, Dave.  
--art kyriazis (many thanks to DAVE PINTO)

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